Thursday, December 13, 2018

#FloweredShirtTour of 2018 was a success

Wow! Thanks to all 52 of the hosting organizations on this year's book tour!

I gave presentations at events all over Florida from Sept. 6th through Dec. from Panama City to Key West! I had three different programs based on my two new books: 1) Climate-Wise Landscaping, 2) Authentic Florida Native Yards, and 3) a 3-hour workshop on Florida Native Landscaping. I spoke to Florida Native Plant Society Chapters, Audubon Chapters, Sierra Club chapters, garden clubs, Master Gardeners, libraries, a Permaculture organization, an environmental center, and a book store. Whew!!

This was my fourth book tour and each one has had more events than the previous ones. Three years ago, there were "only" 35 events in 11 weeks. What was interesting this year as opposed to previous years was how much more enthusiastic people are about the more sustainable and more climate-wise messages. I don't think that it was just that I had 2 more books, although that could have been part of the enthusiasm, I think people are more prepared to take action now. I do hope this is a trend. Our poor planet needs all the friends she can get. There is no Planet B! 

My two new books this year are:
 1) "Climate-Wise Landscaping: Practical Actions for a Sustainable Future" coauthored with Sue Reed a Landscape Architect from Massachusetts was published by New Society Press in B.C., Canada. Doug Tallamay, an Entomology professor at University of Delaware whose research shows how important native plants are for birds and other wildlife wrote the Foreword that ends with these words,

"Read this book carefully. Everything you need to know to help heal our relationship with planet earth and empower you to make a much-needed difference is within these pages."
We didn't debate climate change, but came up with 100s of actions that you can accomplish in your yard and in your community right now. We say, "Let's roll up our sleeves and get to work, because if the many millions of gardeners and landscapers got busy making their landscapes more resilient, it will have a huge overall effect.

Buy on Amazon

2) "A Step-by-Step Guide to a Florida Native Yard" coauthored with Marjorie Shropshire, a visual artist and a Florida native, was peer reviewed and published by University of Florida Press.

This book answers the question, "I have a small Florida yard filled with non-native plants. How do I transform it to an authentic Florida native yard to host butterflies and birds?" We walk you through the process so you can reach your goal of creating a working ecosystem with ease.

Here a photos of just a few of the #FloweredShirtTour events

Some of the members of the Pawpaw Chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society show off the books that they purchased.

District III Regional Master Gardener Conference. 250 were in attendance--Wow! 

My 3-hour workshop was just one of the educational sessions of the 2-day Native Plant Show in Bradenton
organized by FANN (The Florida Association of Native Nurseries.

So it's all over! Thanks again to all the hosting organizations and I'd like to thank my husband for being patient with my being gone for so much of the time during this fall.

Green Gardening Matters,
Ginny Stibolt

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