Old Events

The Old Appearances page, which I've kept so you could see where I've been.

At dawn leaving for a multi-event trip
on a previous #FloweredShirtTour
The 2018 #FloweredShirtTour September 2018 through mid-November 2018 is over!

Thanks to all the hosting organizations!

Sue Reed and I did not debate climate change, but provided 100s of practical actions that you can take right now in your yard and in your community. Published by New Society Press in 2018, it lists for $29.99, but I'll be selling it for $20 at my events. You may order a copy directly from our website www.climatewiselandscaping.com  This book walks you through the process of nativizing a small Florida yard. Written with Marjorie Shropshire it was published in 2018 and lists for 21.95. I'll be selling it for $20 at my events.
Order a copy on Amazon

Past events on the 2018 #FloweredShirtTour listed by date: 

  September 6: A Climate-Wise presentation for The Magnolia Chapter of FNPS  
(I apologize for not taking a group photo for this event.)
We had a great time at a green facility. 

  September 8: A 3-hour native yard workshop for The Magnolia Chapter of FNPS and The Sarracenia Chapter of FNPS at Wakulla Environmental Institute
A good turn out filled up the room and people were surprised at how much they learned. They also went home with boxes full of native plants to get a good start.

  September 10 A Climate-Wise presentation for The Pawpaw Chapter of FNPS in South Daytona. 

   September 11 A nativize your yard presentation at Mt Dora's W.T. Bland Library

   September 11 A Climate-Wise presentation for The Nature Coast Chapter of FNPS
7pm at Land O'Lakes Heritage Park 5401 Land O'Lakes Blvd, Land O'Lakes, FL 34639

   September 13  Not open to the general public. A nativize your yard presentation for the St. Johns County Master Gardeners at 10am 3125 Agricultural Center Drive St. Augustine, FL

   September 15 An Organic Gardening talk at Sanford Community Garden 
10am outside in the garden, so bring a chair and wear a hat. 430 W 18th St, Sanford, FL 32771

There were more than 20 gardeners that hot morning. I brought crops and harvests to share.
We had more than 30 people at this event! Sometimes they're camera shy.

   September 15 A nativize your yard presentation at The Lyonia Environmental Center 2150 Eustace Ave, Deltona, FL 32725 This was only part of the crowd.

   September 17 A Climate-Wise presentation for the Duval Audubon Societ in Jacksonville, FL 32257. A great group with lots of good questions.

   September 18 A Climate-Wise presentation for the St. Johns County Audubon Society  Was a great group with lots of good questions for discussion, but no photo--sorry. This was Event #10 on my #FloweredShirtTour

   September 20 A Climate-Wise presentation for The  Coccoloba Chapter of FNPS
in Fort Myers, FL 33912.

   September 21 A Climate-Wise presentation at The Vero Beach Book Center
More people joined us as we got going and there was even a group of people who were listening from the balcony.

   September 22 A 3-hour native yard workshop for Lake Beautyberry Chapter of FNPS at IFAS/UF Extension 1951 Woodlea Road Tavares, FL 32778 There was also a native plant sale in the afternoon. 

Lake Beautyberry members setting up the plant sale. Workshop attendees bought plenty of plants to get started with their nativizing projects. 

   September 24 A nativize your yard presentation at Big Bend Chapter of FNPS 

It was a good group with lots of good questions, but the only photo I got was this beautiful Echo Moth behind the Steinhatchee Community Center.

   September 25 A Climate-Wise presentation for the Kissimmee Valley Audubon Society 
Here are some of the group. >>

   September 26 A nativize your yard presentation at Jacksonville's Murray Hill Library

  September 28 A Climate-Wise presentation at District III Master Gardener Conference
in DeLand, FL  So many gardeners in one room and with so much enthusiasm!

 Event #18 of #FloweredShirtTour Sept. 29 A sold-out 3-hour native yard workshop for The Ixia Chapter of FNPS at University of North Florida in Jacksonville. We also had a multi-vendor native plant sale and by the end, most of the plants had been sold. An excellent day!

 October 2 A Climate-Wise presentation at The Martin County Chapter of FNPS
6:30pm in Stuart, FL 34997
It was a great evening and an enthusiastic group. Thanks everyone!

 October 4 A Climate-Wise presentation for The Sweetbay Chapter of FNPS in Panama City, FL We had a good group with lots of good discussion.

   October 6 A nativize your yard presentation to at Tallahassee Nurseries even at 10am, it was hot. We talked about natives, milkweeds and more.

 October 8 A Climate-Wise presentation for The Fleming Island Garden Club in Clay County 10am at the Fleming Island Library 1895 Town Center Blvd, Fleming Island, FL 32003

   October 9 An organic vegetable gardening presentation for the Steinhatchee Garden Club was cancelled due to Hurricane Michael heading toward the Big Bend Area of the state.

 October 9 A Climate-Wise presentation for The Sparkleberry Chapter of FNPS
was cancelled due to Hurricane Michael heading toward the Big Bend Area of the state.

   October 10 A nativize your yard presentation for the Clay County Master Gardeners in Green Cove Springs, FL 32043. A great group and a very nice lunch as well...

 October 11 A native plant presentation for Marion County Master Gardeners in Ocala

Marion County Master Gardeners: what an active group! Event #26 of my #FloweredShirtTour 

  October 11 A Climate-Wise presentation at Flagler Audubon Society in Palm Coast, FL  And as a speacial treat, click this link to see a video of my whole program.
(Yes, I wore the same flowered shirt all day, so there was a back-to-back repeat.)

 October 13 The Art of Maintaining a Florida native Yard presentation for The Passionflower Chapter of FNPS  in Clermont, FL

 October 14 A Climate-Wise presentation at Sustainable Kashi  in Sebastian, FL. We had a great time.

 October 15 A Climate-Wise presentation for The Pelican Island Audubon Society
6:30pm  Vero Beach Community Center, 2266 14th Ave, Vero Beach 32960

 October 16 A 3-hour native yard workshop for The Pelican Island Audubon Society
at Audubon House, inVero Beach 32962

  October 17 A nativize your yard presentation for The Suncoast Chapter of FNPS
at Hillsborough Co. Extension Service , Seffner, FL 33584

  October 18 A 3-hour native yard workshop at FANN's Native Plant Show (FANN = Florida Association of Native Plant Nurseries)
Bradenton Area Convention Center. What a wonderful event.

  October 20 A Native Plant presentation at Backyard Biodiversity Day sponsored by The Tarflower Chapter of FNPS at Mead Garden in Winter Park was a beautiful day with lots of great people and many bought lots of native plants.

One of the best landscape plans...
  October 21 47 people attended my 3-hour native yard workshop for The Coontie Chapter of FNPS at Secret Woods Nature Center in Dania Beach, FL 33312
Thanks to the Broward FNPS Chapter
for being such a good host.

  October 22 A native plants presentation for The Miami Lakes Garden Club

  October 23 A Climate-Wise presentation for The Dade Chapter of FNPS 7:30 p.m. at  Pinecrest Gardens. We had a great group here and lots of good questions. I brought in my poster that reminds us that "There is no Planet B!"

  October 24 A Climate-Wise presentation for The Sea Rocket Chapter of FNPS
7pm at The Enchanted Forest Sanctuary, 444 Columbia Blvd, Titusville, FL 32780

  October 26 A nativize your yard presentation for The Villages Chapter of FNPS Big Cypress Recreation Center 3110 Hendry Drive, The Villages, FL 32163
More than 50 people attended my presentation on Native Plants. 
  October 27 A 2-hour native yard workshop for The Citrus Chapter of FNPS
at the Crystal River state park. We filled the room with about 50 people.

  October 29 A Climate-Wise presentation for The Marion Big Scrub Chapter of FNPS
in the haunted house room at Belleview Public Library because early voting was in the main meeting room.

  November 3 A nativize your yard workshop for The Cuplet Fern Chapter of FNPS in Sanford, FL was event #43 of my #FloweredShirtTour Only 9 events to go...

  November 5 A Climate-Wise presentation at Hernando Chapter of FNPS at Chinsegut Hill in Brooksville FL

  November 7 A nativize your yard presentation for The Anna Maria Garden Club which has a mission to nativize the whole island.

  November 8 A Climate-Wise presentation at Alachua Audubon Society at Millhopper Library in Gainesville, FL was an intrepid group who braved an extended downpour to attend my presentation.

  November 9 A Climate-Wise lunch-time presentation for University of Florida Landscape Architecture students in Gainesville was event #47 on my #FloweredshirtTour. What fun!

  November 12 A nativize your yard presentation for The Conradina Chapter of FNPS 6:00pm 555 Hammock Rd, Melbourne Village, FL 32904

  November 13 A Climate-Wise presentation at Fleming Island Library in Clay County 2:30pm 1895 Town Center Blvd, Fleming Island, FL 32003

  November 13 A nativize your yard presentation for The Sea Oats Chapter of FNPS 7pm St. Johns River State College in Augustine, FL 32084

  November 14 A Climate-Wise presentation   >>
for Central Florida Sierra Club 
was fun group. When we talked about how important food is, I gave out some of my harvest including 2 Seminole pumpkins.

  November 20 A nativize your yard presentation was well-attended at The Palm Beach Chapter of FNPS  at Mounts Botanical Garden in West Palm Beach, FL. More than 50 people attended this event: #51 of my #FloweredShirtTour.

  December 1 A Climate-Wise presentation for Monroe County Extension

at the Monroe County Government Center (Gato Building) 1100 Simonton Street Key West, FL 33040  This was a bonus event that was added just a few weeks prior to the date. This was actually the first stop on a cruise where I was a lecturer that was headed to Cuba. 
I'll be covering topics from my two (2!) new books "A Step-by-Step Guide to a Florida Native Yard" and "Climate-Wise Landscaping: Practical Actions for a Sustainable Future."

Normally, I give presentations only during book tours, so now is the time to contact me to make a date for your organization. 

So follow this blog or follow me or the Sustainable Gardening for Florida page on Facebook. where I'll be announcing the next tour. I'm presently working a few more book projects for University Press of Florida, so more tours will be coming.

Previous events:

Two special events in May 2016
 May 16
Thanks to Keren  Giovengo (left front) for organizing this great event.
Anne Cox presented me with a
Silver Palmetto Award. 
I gave a 3-hour workshop on maintaining native landscapes for the Sustainable Land Use Program, University of Georgia in Brunswick, GA. 42 people (maximum allowed for the room signed up.

 May 21
I gave a presentation on Rain Gardens in Florida as part of  the 2016 Florida Native Plant Society conference in Daytona Beach, I'd guess about 100 people attended my presentation, but I did not get a photo of the group. Here's a link to my post on Rain Gardens on the FNPS blog.

Also, I was honored to accept a very special Silver Palmetto Award for service. Part of the reason given for this award was all the presentations that I gave for FNPS chapters at their meetings and other special events. I'd like to thank those chapters for all their hard work on behalf of Florida and her native ecosystems.

The Art of Maintaining a Florida
Native Landscape

~ ~ ~

The fall 2015 book tour (Aug. 31st through Nov.10th) was wonderful. Thanks to everyone who organized these events. 

The #FloweredShirtTour was in celebration of the release of The Art of Maintaining a Florida Native Landscape, I made myself available for speaking engagements for 11 weeks. I scheduled 35 events in that time. Whew!!

Some of the events are listed here.
FNPS = Florida Native Plant Society)

  September 1
Speaker at Paynes Prairie FNPS Chapter. This presentation covers topics from The Art of Maintaining a Florida Native Landscape. Free and open to the public. This was a great event, 50 people came, they asked good questions, and they bought a lot of books. Thanks to the Paynes Prairie Chapter for organizing it and doing great things.

  September 8
Speaker at Coccoloba FNPS Chapter. This presentation covers topics from The Art of Maintaining a Florida Native Landscape.
Another great FNPS group.. Yay!
  September 9
Leading a 3-hour native plant workshop "The Art of Maintaining a Florida Native Landscape" sponsored by the of Bonita Springs in Lee County. Another great group learned some stuff about native landscaping. 3 hours allows for more in-depth immersion. 
A few people also attended the FNPS chapter meeting the previous evening, but mostly this group was new.
  September 10
Speaker at the Conservation Lands Workshop. This is an all-day event, which is organized by Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program. www.CHNEP.org
About 70 people, mostly land managers attended this workshop. 
  September 12
Speaker at the Lyonia Environmental Center. This presentation covered landscaping for birds and pollinators with native plants and sustainable gardening methods.

In addition to the public event, which was well-attended, I'd also organized an all day workshop for the FNPS council of chapters. There were lots of great ideas. 
  September 15
Speaker at the Sarracenia FNPS Chapter meeting. This presentation covered topics from "The Art of Maintaining a Florida Native Landscape"in Crawfordville, FL 32326. This was the farthest west event in this tour.
Another great group on the #floweredshirttour
  September 19
Speaker at the Florida Local Food Summit organized by FOG (Florida Organic Growers). My topic was 101: Intro to Organic Farming.  I summarized this fabulous event here.
I was the co-presenter for this session. Rick Martinez (in the blue shirt) talked about the difference between gardening and farming (hint: If you are large enough to require a tractor with various attachments, then you're a farmer.) with good suggestions on how to get started.
  September 25
Speaker at The Villages FNPS Chapter.
We had a great crowd of more than 50 people (I was adjusting the wearable mic.)
   September 26
Speaker at the Wildflower Symposium at Leu Gardens.
Registration was limited to 40 people and we did fill the Garden Cottage. More came in after the photo was taken.
   October 1
Speaker at an event at Crystal River Preserve State Park organized by the Citrus FNPS Chapter and others. The presentation celebrated the beginning of Native Plant Month in Florida.

More than 40 people came on a Thursday afternoon, most had never been to a native plant society function before. 
    October 2
Signing books at the Working on the Green Sustainability Summit. This event gave people from schools, government, businesses, and communities a chance to network about green issues.

I talked to a lot of people about my books and about the Florida Native Plant Society & Native Plant month. I was especially pleased to have had breakfast with Eric Draper,  president of the Florida Audubon Society. 

  October 2 & 3
- I participated in the author signing at Lakeside Inn on Friday evening.
- I gave 2 presentations on Saturday at the Wings & Wildflower Festival at Venetian Gardens.

This was the afternoon session on butterfly gardens, a last minute request because the original presenter had had a family emergency. 
 October 5
Speaker at the Hernando FNPS Chapter meeting in Brooksville, FL.

I love meeting folks from the chapters. some I see at state-wide meetings, but others stay local. This chapter has a number of projects, including the plantings around the manor house at Chinsegut Hill. Fun to see.

 October 10
I led a 3-hour native plant workshop "The Art of Maintaining a Florida Native Landscape" sponsored by the Cocoplum FNPS Chapter at Morgade Library in Stuart.
70+ people came to this great workshop... 

 October 11
I gave a presentation at Vero Beach Book Center And Maple Tree Natives sold plants to lots of the attendees as they left the store..

It was a pretty good crowd for a Sunday afternoon. Again more than 70 came. What fun.

 October 12
I was the speaker at the Pawpaw FNPS Chapter meeting in South Daytona, FL
This was another fun group.
   October 15
I led a 2-hour class on native gardening in St. Augustine organized by Renee Stambaugh of Native Plant Consulting.

Renee hosts monthly classes on native plants, so it was fun to lead this one. She also brought some beautiful fall blooming plants, which sold like hotcakes. I sold a lot of books as well. 
 October 15
I was the speaker at the Ixia FNPS Chapter meeting in Jacksonville.

While this may look like just another stop on my #FloweredShirtTour, Ixia is my home chapter, so it was nice to see everyone. 

 October 17
I gave a presentation at a plant sale event sponsored by the Nature Coast FNPS Chapter.

At Land O'Lakes Community Center.
 October 18
Presentation, "Inviting Birds to your yard with Native Plants" at the Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary.

We had a nice group at Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary
 October 19
I signed books at the statewide Master Gardeners conference in Kissimmee. Master Gardeners volunteer their time for many projects and events. Lots of important stuff is accomplished by these dedicated folks.

This was my post at the Master Gardener Conference. I wrote about it here.
  October 20
My presentation at the Sea Oats FNPS Chapter meeting in St. Augustine Beach, was well received.
And they offered wonderful snacks made from native plants, a dollarweed & dill dip and a monarda & lemon cookie. 
  October 24
I was a speaker & vendor at Backyard Biodiversity Day at Mead Gardens in Winter Park, FL 32789
It was a beautiful day at Mead Gardens. We ended up with 30 or so people coming to my presentation at the barn. It was hard to drag people away from the plants and all the wonderful vendors.

  October 26
Speaker at the Marion Big Scrub FNPS Chapter meeting at the Belleview Public Library in Belleview, FL.
Before the meeting, the library administrator took me out to show me the native garden that this chapter installed and is maintaining. He was quite excited about all the activities that they'll be able tie to the gardens. It was a good turnout for the meeting, too.

  November 1
I was a vendor at the Orange Park Farmers Market. It was a beautiful day, I talked with many people, handed out brochures for the Florida Native Plant Society with the message that we think that Florida should look like Florida and not Hawaii, and I sold some books. For people who bought books, I handed out native meadow garlic (Allium canadense) and garlic chives (A. tuberosum) for their herb gardens.

A last minute event on the #FloweredShirtTour.

  November 3
I was the speaker at the Tarflower FNPS Chapter meeting.

There was a good crowd in Orlando. 
  November 4
I was a speaker at a special event organized by the Lake Beautyberry FNPS Chapter. This presentation was, "The Role of Native Plants in your Sustainable Garden."

This diverse crowd included Master Gardeners, young farmers, Native Plant Society members and others.

  November 7
I was a speaker & exhibitor at Forest Festival at the Enchanted Forest Sanctuary. in Titusville

A small group came inside to hear my talk. There were lots & lots of activities for kids, demonstrations, and guided nature walks. Fun!
  November 10
I was a speaker at The Sparkleberry FNPS Chapter meeting at Hatch Park Community Center in Branford in Suwanee County.

This chapter serves several rural counties, but we had a pretty good crowd. I had one last flowered shirt for this event. 
I am working on more book projects for University Press of Florida, so stay tuned for the next flowered shirt tour. Also, I'd like to thank my husband for his patience and understanding during these 11 weeks and for loaning me to some of his Hawaiian shirts to wear. :-)

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